
Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

Not only is it here, but it is amazingly beautiful outside. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I actually went out onto my porch in my bare feet; that's how warm it is. I believe I may even sit out there and soak it up before heading off to my noontime appointment at the vet.

Meanwhile, I've sent off another few queries and am pretty well immersed in my latest, namesake. I am still where I left off (Arlen and Louis are about to head down to the boathouse where they will discover something unpleasant), but that's only because I've gone back to the beginning twenty times to repair, edit, and add to what is already there. I've also joined another writing site which happened to mention one of the agencies I sent my query off to so if you're reading this, cross your fingers for me because I am ready for my ISBN number.

Happy Spring and Happy Birthday to my sweet little niece, Sanbate, and my dear departed Dad.

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