
Friday, November 11, 2011

the very latest

I purposely putting off reading any more of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE last night the same way I didn't start HP7 for the longest time. I didn't want it to end.  

It's raining but surprisingly warm for November. Like I was actually hot walking my dog.

I've cut still more on Dendara (yay me!).

I've also been playing around with point of view with my new toy, trying to see what fits. It's interesting how obvious it is and gratifying to find that my first instinct was correct. And I found a new subplot that ties in nicely with the first. The two can play off one another, weaving in and out of the main plot, tightening the noose... and I think I might make a stab at chapter 2 this weekend.

what are you working on? And if you're a Walking Dead fan, do you think they'll find Sophie? Alive?And wouldn't you just love to win a stagger on role?


  1. Good luck with your writing plans for the weekend!! Take care

  2. Tightening the noose - I like that!

  3. I was the same with the HP movie. I didn't want it to end. =) Denial.

    Good luck on your writing. My kids are keeping updated on the walking dead. I don't have AMC =(

  4. I've been watching The Walking Dead! It's moving a bit slow right now but still enjoyable. I don't know if they'll find the kid but they've dropped a lot of people without really explaining what happened to them so I am hoping they won't do that this time!

  5. I've been exploring humor and blogging about snot bubbles. Now it's time to start another manuscript, but what?
    Dunno. Hey honey, pop in another movie :)


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