
Friday, December 14, 2012

It's all about you - Redux

So, here's the day when we get to re-post something we liked or something that went unnoticed. Mine is from this day, when I asked about you...

 Seriously. Today I want to know about you. It doesn't have to be anything earth-shaking, but it has to be about you and no one else. Like what you're doing right this minute (at work sneaking a peak at the blogosphere?), what you're writing (do tell), what you saw this morning when you first stepped outside (sunrise? A bird on wire? a dead mouse on your porch thanks to kitty?), what you had for supper last night (take out? homemade?), dreamed last week (yes, please - I find dreams endlessly fascinating), just finished reading (and was it any good?), or ... anything. It can be trivial or mind blowing, but I want to know about you.


  1. Last night I sat for three hours in church for my daughter's Confirmation. They had the air conditioning turned up to full blast (in December) for maximum misery. I spent most of the service composing an email in my head and the rest shivering violently. Then we took my parents to dinner to celebrate. They proclaimed how beautiful the ceremony was, while I nodded prettily (like Verity Boone) and sipped my martini.

    1. ooh, so sorry; that wouldn't have been my favorite way to spend the evening either, especially the cold part. I hate cold!

  2. I'm leaving work early today to go see The Hobbit!

    1. I'll be looking forward to your review :)

  3. You caught me...checking out the Deja Vu posts while at work. :) I had a baked potatoe for dinner last night, prepped my post for today, played some Far Cry 3 on Xbox, watched ELEMNTARY (one of my favorites shows this season), then hit the sack. Our office is moving to a new location over the weekend, so today will be spent boxing things up...and checking out blog posts. :)

    Thank you for participating today!!

    1. wait, just a single baked potato for dinner? No sour cream? No meat or veggies to go with it?

      Good luck with the move - I know that can be quite an undertaking.

  4. Something about me? I laugh out loud at photos like the one you posted. And I just finished reading Libby Heily's novel, Tough Girl, which she's publishing in January, and it's really good.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Yep, photos like that make me laugh, too :)

  5. You had me at the eyes...

    I remember this one. :) Have a great Christmas, Marcy. What's your prediction? Will we have a white Christmas in ME or not????

    1. No prediction but I hope for a white Christmas. It's more festive :)

  6. I'm so the kitty amongst the gang of owls!! I try not to stand out but can never quite blend in! LOL! Take care

  7. I'm actually taking a sick day from work, because I have a really bad case of gout. It's fine if I'm just sitting in the chair reading blogs. But I can hardly move around my apartment. Each step is excruciating pain. My friend/boss at work is going to bring by some crutches. After I get that, I should be able to get around as good as I did before this thing hit me yesterday. Usually it takes a few days to clear out of my system. Never get gout if you can possibly avoid it.

  8. Slow day at work, reading blogs at lunchtime... and planning a party for this weekend.

  9. I'm making a banner for a fellow blogger :) currently and loving that pic with owls and the kitten :)

  10. Like Michael, I took today as a sick day saying I had a flare-up of what they like to call my pseudo gout. I lied. But, I just didn't feel like saying I wasn't up to the stress of the Christmas season at work. Instead, I went to the Goodwill store and spent most of my day on the computer and as you can see am still here.

    Now, I will probably be punished for lying with a real flare up. This is how my mind seems to work. :)

  11. That is really sweet!

    Here's a tidbit. When You've Got Mail is on TV, I always watch it Always!

    1. you know, I have never seen this movie. But I've heard it's good :)

  12. Awww, soooo nice. Hmm, a little something: I'm one of those who can't eat venison. I know in my head this is stupid. I see other chowing down and wish I could take the plunge and just do it. But, I can't. I can't eat Bambi.

    1. Funny, I'd rather eat venison than beef because I know the deer have had a life, a free life, and were never sent to a slaughter house to die in misery with their fellows. I shudder when I think of slaughter houses. But I know how you feel; I don't eat lamb because I can't bear the thought of eating children. But really, it's all meat and it all has to die for us to eat it. Which is why I often tell myself to just quit eating meat altogether!

  13. Very neat idea! I do have something. On Wednesday, we looked outside at our field (we own about 18 acres), and we saw a bunch of turkeys! There had to be over 50 out there spread across our field and our neighbors' fields. I don't think I've ever seen that many turkeys in one place before in my life. It was pretty cool. :)

    1. Ha! We see turkeys a lot up here and they always make me smile :)

  14. Fun questions! I'm making the blog rounds after a long day and watching re-runs of Numbers in the background.

    1. I remember that show; it was fun (I don't have tv anymore).

  15. I'm reading/commenting on blogs and avoiding my unfinished NaNoWriMo novel because I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with it.

    1. Sometimes it's best just to let things sit for a while before coming back to them with fresh eyes.

  16. I'm done with work- unwinding. Did I have breakfast? Maybe two graham crackers. Reading: Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power. Good stuff.

  17. Great idea for a post!
    I'm all about trying new things these days. I have a new project in mind (after months of writer's block), and I'm pretty excited! :-)

  18. Something about me? Hmm. Thinking ... thinking ... thinking ... gosh. I can't think of anything. But I think this is a great idea you had for a post.

    1. you could've said what you cooked last...? Something yummy no doubt.

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