
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Level Up

No surprise I couldn't resist this little blogfest, hosed by Jamie over at Mithril Wisdom. I may not be a hard core gamer (only because I don't have ready access to a hardcore gaming computer) but I sure love to get my Skyrim on. It's like being inside your own fantasy story complete with good guys, bad guys, a big Quest, countless small quests, not to mention the ability to be whoever you want. Plus there are dragons and enchanting tables and potion making and so many bandits to kill you'll never be bored. Ever. Which is also why it's probably a good thing I can't play it at home else I'd never get any writing done! The downside is being at the mercy of your brother and his love of mods,* which means sometimes bad things happen, like your game gets corrupted forcing a complete re-installation and the loss of all corrupted saved games. So instead being the Archmage of Winterhold and in possession of the Gauldur Amulet, a bow of freezing that captures souls, two houses, AND the friendship of the Jarl of Windhelm...


I get to start over again in Helgin, with my head about to be chopped off and a dragon about to lay waste to the town...ARGH!!!!

*a mod is short for a modification of the game, usually designed by fans of the game, which alters or improves gameplay. For example, one of the mods my brother installed made the town of Whiterun much prettier, another made all the bad guys harder, and yet another added followers for hire to the game. As far as I know, mods are only available for the PC. If you're not playing a modded game, then you're playing 'vanilla' which is okay, but not nearly as immersive, imo.


  1. That's why PC games still rule!

  2. Sounds like fun. I've never played games because I don't have time but I'm sure I'd love the fantasy ones.

    1. They can be very addictive - as I can attest!

  3. Leaving up is a term often used at our house.

    PS: My first comment didn't go through. Or, this will be a double. Not sure. Either way, have a groovy day.

    1. Yeah, I had just gotten to level 32 (level 32!!!!) when all our saved games became corrupt :(

  4. UNO for me an my family!

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Wow, I haven't played that in years :)

  5. I have no idea what you're talking about, but the idea of playing games in a fantasy world like that sounds incredible. I think I'm lucky I never got into gaming or I would never get anything done. I'd easily get addicted to that stuff. I mean, you should see my Angry Birds addiciton. It's bad.

    1. Like I said, it's a good thing I can't play Skyrim on my computer or I wouldn't get anything done either!

  6. Not much opportunity to get into gaming, Marcy, BUT it does sound like it could be very cool to immerse yourself in an atmospheric fantasy world where you are pit against the bad guys...:LOL

  7. Oh wow!! A good read, and it sounds like a lot of fun! Very detailed, thanks. Please visit mine at


  8. I sometimes feel like I'm one of the few people on the planet who hasn't played this game, yet.

    One of these days, though...I will! Great pick :)

    1. I love and have played the entire Elder Scrolls series.

  9. heard a lot about skyrim. sounds like a kick ass game!

  10. Not really a gamer myself...but I'm in the "friends realm" for several who are quite into it. ;)

    1. I love playing computer games and could easily get lost in it.

  11. I've always thought that Skyrim would be my kind of game. But I try to avoid most games because I'm afraid I'll start playing and forget to do anything else.

  12. I have nothing but love for Skyrim, but it's soooooo addictive! I still need to get the Dragonborn expansion. I have a habit of starting new characters; I love those small beginnings where the possibilities are endless...

    Thanks for taking part in the blogfest :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

    1. My brother just bought one of the expansions but it will be a while before I get to it.

  13. I love video games that are like reading a really good novel / watching a really good movie. I've heard nothing but good things about Skyrim. Thanks for joining in the blogfest!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

    1. It is like watching a movie; when I go over to my brother's he actually sits and watches me play.

  14. I haven't played a video game for a few years, because I just don't have the time. This one does sound pretty interesting though. We have five kids, so you know I've spent more than my share of time playing video games as they grew up.

    1. yeah, I used to play more when my computer could handle the games but now it's old and can barely handle the internet!

  15. Just dropping in from the Level Up Bloghop. I've always wanted to play Skyrim, and I think I'll have to put it on my "to play" list. :3

    1. It's pretty awesome, but then, the whole Elder Scrolls series hooked me from day one.

  16. love that you play skyrim, gives you an alter ego =)

    1. my alter ego - Ash pictured above - is kick ass! Or, rather, she was until I had to start from scratch...ah the perils of modding too much.

  17. I've played only one game in my life, I think it was AGE OF EMPIRES back in the days when I had some free time, but I played it only because it had the building aspect, creating towns and fortresses, and I avoided wars and pesky attackers :)

    1. Well, you know I love a good skirmish but I also adore strategy games and Age of Empires was a huge fave of mine. You might like Empire Earth :)

  18. I've never played Skyrim, but I have heard good things about it :)

  19. I kind of wish I got into gaming when I was younger. Now I just feel awkward if I try and play something new. I pretty much stick to word games and card games. :)

    1. Games like skyrim are great for people who weren't raised on computer games (like me!). You can adjust the difficulty setting plus it's an open world so you stick close to towns for a while until you start feeling more confident.

  20. Skyrim is an amazing, amazing game. I've played it for more hours now than I've ever played any game (I have upwords of 300 hours in). I've been enjoying the DLC and frequently find myself in the game just wanting to wander around and enjoy the world.

    Have you checked out the Skyrim: COPS shows and Skyrim: Real World on the Nerdist channel on YouTube? If not they are a lot of fun. The COPS episodes are my favorite.

    1. I have not checked out the YouTube stuff but I have definitely done my share of wandering around Skyrim just for the fun of it.

  21. I'm a console gamer (I own two Xbox's, 1 PS3, and 1 Wii), and primarily shooters! Can't believe I missed this blogfest! :)

    1. Maybe you had a few other things on your plate? Sorry you missed it though!

  22. Sounds like awesome fun . . .but the reason I don't play an awesome game like this: I'm afraid I would lose all my writing time. Although getting modded back to the beginning would be frustrating, I think it's cool that your brother keeps your writing life separate from your gaming life for you.

    1. If Skyrim was at my house I WOULD lose all my writing time because I would get sucked right in. Hours gone in a matter of moments.

  23. I meant to participate in this, but got toooooo busy! Much of what you said is Greek to me, lol. But I see the passion and enjoyment, and that's what matters, right?

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

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