
Friday, March 29, 2013

Science fiction from A to Z

As you probably know, I will once again be participating in the A - Z blogfest, and in keeping with the genre of my current wip (NO REST - see the sidebar for my progress), my theme is all things scifi. This means I will be posting about real things (the science) and some not yet real things (the fiction). I have pre-scheduled these posts in the hopes that I will have more time to visit everyone, both those doing the fest, and my regular bloggy friends who aren't - I know there's a few of you!

There will be no first impressions for April (sorry!) but we will resume in May, and if you have a first page you'd like Dianne and I to crit, please send it along!

Monday will kick it off with A for Andromeda. I hope you'll come back to read about our neighboring galaxy...see you then and have a great weekend. And because I like the idea so much, I'm stealing it from Melanie: your moment of zen:


  1. You know I'll be back every day!
    I don't think that is the cat's moment of Zen...

    1. But it is - the cat just doesn't realize it yet ;)

  2. Awesome Marcy. Sounds like a great theme.

  3. First - huge congratulations with your wip progress!! So so so amazing - 61% and growing! Good for you!

    Second - LOL at Alex's comment about the cat! LOL!

    Third - yay for your A-Z theme!! Take care

  4. Always love a good A to Z theme. Mostly because I like to see how they face the challenge of XYZ. Looking forward to seeing what you came up with. :)

  5. I'm not participating this year but will definitely be visiting! Your theme looks really exciting!

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  6. ooh, why does that kitty seem less happy than her owner? :)
    And you should know that my team of witches (the witches which I keep up in the Scottish moors in my castle) throw a curse upon everybody who doesn't dedicate letters D and H to my Imperial Highness :PPP

  7. Flowers? Flowers? Oh my gosh, I love those flowers.

  8. Excellent theme. And I love the flower shot too.

  9. Super! Sounds like a fantastic theme. I'll try to pop by to visit from time to time to see whatcha got going. Have fun!

  10. Awesome theme. I really enjoy science posts, especially when they start talking space and galaxies, it gets my imagination churning. (:

  11. Looking forward to Andromeda.
    Funny, your pic is almost the same as the pic I put on my blog for today's post! Great minds. *wink*

  12. Good luck. I'm looking forward to visiting as often as I can.

  13. Aw, sweet pic, except the cat looks less zen than the man, haha! Your theme is going to be out of this world (sorry I couldn't help it)! Looking forward to it.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  14. The planet that Will Robinson was always searching for. :)

  15. Best of luck with your a to z! With a theme like sci fi I'm guessing that the letters I am struggling with such as z will be easier in a theme like yours?

  16. Prescheduling is great - I've done that too!

    Wishing you a fantastic A-Z journey through April!

    Keep Calm and A-Z
    An A-Z of learning English
    Round the world from A to Z


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