
Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday pics -

This is Miss Mel, aka Little Person (what? Don't your cats have aliases?).
The Sun was the sun shining through the trees on our walk...

 Jonah - a very happy dog!

The leaves were pretty spectacular...

like this

and then this cute Kitten (aka Copernicus Jack) came to greet us when we came back. He loves to do this for some reason and yes, that's his name so don't judge because he used to look like this...

So how was your weekend?

Oh, and don't forget...The Pumpkinfest is coming...


  1. Kitties with tails up mean they are happy to see you!! Awwwwww!! What brilliant pics to ease in October and Mondays! Thank you lovely Marcy!
    p.s. kitties and woofies always have aliases - they're the James Bonds of the animal world! LOL! Take care

  2. Josh and Miss Mei are so cute. And can't wait for the pumkinfest.

  3. Oh, I love those pumpkins. That is too awesome.

    My cats also have aliases (Fat Cat and Zombie Cat)—and middle names for that matter.

  4. The pumpkins are awesome!!!
    Josh looks happy. And Jack looks like he has a question.

  5. such delightful kittens :) My own two are called Ignatius Fleastone and Lucia Stinkyville.

  6. Miss Mel looks so very happy. :)

    Haha! I love those pumpkins! That's awesome!

  7. Great pics and fabulous pumpkins!

  8. Your animals are adorable! And it looks like fall is finally here. I hope it'll stay and hold winter back for a while...

  9. Love the kid's pics... AN fall foliage.... is there anything more spectacular?!

  10. I love fall and these pics are gorgeous. Miss Mel looks so cozy there. Your animals are all so cute.

  11. Saw some beautiful fall colors in my weekend excursions. Looking forward to my morning jog when I can stomp through the crunching leaves strewn across the road.

  12. I'm in love with those adorable kitties. Hub's returning from a high school reunion in Manchester. He said the leaves were turning and gorgeous so I really enjoyed seeing your photos. New England in the fall is beautiful beyond words . . . all those colors!

  13. Changing leaves. Sigh. We don't get much of that around my parts.

  14. First of all, Jack is ADORABLE.

    Second of all, Maine looks so gorgeous. I always get jealous of these beautiful pics... enjoy that weather!

  15. Gorgeous kittehs. I love all the kitty pics. :D

    And yes, my cats have ridiculous amounts of nicknames. ;)

    Love the other pics as well. What stunning colours.

  16. Autumn in Maine, much like here in Vermont: gorgeous.

  17. aww! i miss hiking! w/my puppy.
    and yay for the pumpkins!!

  18. What awesome pictures. Those leaves are so beautiful! Love the cat's too and their names, so cute. :)

  19. Lilli the Labrador's current nickname is "Moosie".
    The girls gave it to her, no idea why. Especially as we don't have Moose or anything like them in Oz.

  20. LOL on your pumpkins! Nice pics of your cats--love their names. (What a sweet kitten Copernicus Jack was!!) Yep, my cats used to have many names/aliases. Booboo, Cookie, Beanie, etc. :)

  21. Love the header! And lots of great Monday pics today!!


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