
Friday, April 25, 2014

V is for Violence

My theme for A- Z is the year my book takes place: 1881. I'll be posting about people, places, and random facts about the year as it relates - however distantly - to my book, West of Paradise.

One thing I didn't realize is just what a violent year 1881 was. I mean I knew the Wild West wasn't called wild because nothing happened but holy cow! There was a lot of killing going on and a fair amount done by those who were supposed to be the law. Anyway, as much as I love history and find it fascinating, I don't know as though I'd jump at the chance to travel back like Jack does. Aside from the violence, there was the whole lack of hygiene and I don't think I could stand not showering or brushing my teeth.

How about you, would you want to go back?

ps my apologies to those who saw this post before (oops) and commented. 


  1. Not a chance I would want to live during that time.

  2. Not that time, no. But I would like to go back to my Mamam's village in Hungry, where she lived on a farm. They used to cart her from village to village because people wanted to hear her sing. I would, if I could, jump back there. But I want to come home after about a week. And I'd want to take Tim with me.

  3. I figure this was posted a bit early, but it's still here, so I'll leave a comment. Violent but obviously full of good Western fun! Also, I saw your book listed in the Goodreads giveaways, and signed up.

  4. Yeah, the lack of hygiene thing is why I wouldn't want to live in Jane Austen's time either. :P

  5. It would be a terrible time to live- as it would be if we were surrounded by Zombies. Same problem really. Lack of hygiene, problems with finding enough food, lack of medical care (wait, I have that now...) um, well the shower thing for sure would be a problem. There are worse things that could happen I guess.

  6. I couldn't live without a shower every day. I am glad for these modern days, though sometimes I think our lawmen could use a little old west attitude to keep the bad guys from having more rights than their victims.

  7. People think that life was so much simpler in the past. I disagree. Problems and difficulties were just as prevalent then as now. Just different.


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