
Friday, January 30, 2015

The Cephalopod Coffeehouse presents:

I am sad to report that for the first month ever I have yet to finish any of the three books I have going:
Moby Dick

Great North Road

The Wolf's Hour

My only excuse is that I've also been doing some reading on the 1917/18 Influenza epidemic (which has yet to yield the information I'm seeking, I might add), and...I found a Scrabble app. This past week I did finally attend a little more to reading and focused on a single book (Great North Road, if you're interested) but I am still only 30% done. Not very impressive.

C'est la guerre.

Meanwhile, do check out the other folks who probably did actually read a book here:

And come back on Monday when I have a very special guest post from one of my favorite authors, Dianne K. Salerni.


  1. Those apps suck you in, don't they?
    Awesome you will be featuring Dianne!

  2. Never find a new game app. Amazon sends me notices all the time about new game apps for my Kindle. I close my eyes and delete them.

  3. Hey, I started Moby-Dick three years ago and still haven't finished. You got lots of time. :D

    And what is this Scrabble app you speak of???? Yes, I need more distractions...

    1. well, that makes me feel better - as for the Scrabble ap, it's pretty fun, and horribly addicting.

  4. I have at least three partially finished books on the go at the moment. You are not alone. So not alone.

    1. I blame the Scrabble ap. Yeah. That's it.

  5. But at least you're reading. There are so many people who say they should read more and have yet to crack open a book. So, I'd say you're successful in actually doing the reading. Finishing... meh.

  6. I love information on the flu pandemic. I have two books and a DVD about it. I'd love to write a book about how the pandemic affected American society. It's left out of most history textbooks. Some people have speculated that it was so horrible that everyone wanted to forget it. I want Ken Burns to explore it. I'll volunteer to help. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to have me.


    1. I wish someone would write a book about that because THAT'S the information I"m looking for.

    2. Perhaps you need to write the book yourself. When people talk about the modern era in literature, they always talk about World War I and people losing traditional beliefs in religion and that sort of thing. No one ever mentions the pandemic.

  7. Ack. Moby Dick.
    Just don't do it.
    I had to read that book twice in high school. Nobody should have to do that. I still consider it the nemesis of my high school experience, along with a specific English teacher (I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, MCPHERSON!).

    Forget the whale. Just write!

    1. I think high school is too young for Moby. It's more of a college experience.

  8. Our daughter (11) recently asked us to teach her Scrabble. I love the game but I know the frustrations it can inspire when you're first learning. She did alright - don't know if she'll want to play again, though.

    1. I used to get frustrated, too, because my mom would almost always win - but not anymore :)

  9. Yes, Scrabble can be addicting. I just finished a book called The Mill River Redemption, by Darcie Chan. I'm getting a fair amount of reading in, as the writing has stalled a bit. Hope you are well, Marcy.


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