
Monday, February 8, 2016

Crazy Weather

So. Last Thursday it was 50 degrees here. Almost all the snow had melted by the end of the day and there were even a few peepers out! Friday I woke to snow, which lasted most of the day and into the early evening and left us with like 8"!!! Then my son informs me that last year around this time we got 78" of snow within a week!!! Is that crazy or what?! (I know, way too many exclamation points, but holy cow!) I wasn't very happy with the snow (I had my fill last winter, thanks) but considering we haven't gotten much at all, and it really hasn't been all that cold, I guess I can't complain too much. The good news was there was enough snow to go out and play find the tennis ball with Jonah :)

Meanwhile I'm chugging along on the new WIP, and still looking for all those perfect 1950s items to insert during revisions, which might actually make it fun!

How's the weather where you live? Any craziness or is it pretty typical?


  1. Yup, just an hour or so away from you. The weather has been so strange. It's kind of unsettling, like 'What's going on?' Apparently, we're supposed to get some more today.

  2. We were really warm, then really cold, then really warm... Crazy weather. No snow though. At least you didn't get several feet.

  3. The weather is bonkers here too. We had a really warm weekend and now it's back to freezing cold this week. Thankfully most of the snow this year has missed us. Though not so good for my son who got a new sled for Christmas! Have a lovely week. :)

    1. Yeah the people up her with snow mobiles probly aren't too thrilled.

  4. Well, I guess the weather here has been cold for Florida, but as I'm a life-long New Englander, I don't agree.

    My dogs used to love playing "Find The Ball" in the snow. And then they would lose them. Spring was a very exciting time in our household. :)

    1. Yup. Spring is awesome. Suddenly an abundance of tennis balls.

  5. We still have a lot of that 30 inches we received a few weeks ago despite the warm weather. We're supposed to get a few inches over the next few days. Gives me a reason to stay inside and work on edits.

    1. Ugh. 30 inches. We're getting more today; its snowing and blowing out there now *sigh*

  6. We've had unusually warm weather. High 40s and 50s. But that will end later this week. But at least we can see spring coming.

    1. Yes! Only 6 weeks til spring! And Spring Training is just around the corner :)

  7. El Nino has brought some crazy weather to the Americas.

    1. I heard El Nino was going to give us a warmer than average winter.

  8. Compared to the last two winters, it's been frigid here. We had, like, a month of cold. (Of course, cold for us means our high was only 61.) But we just hit a warm up. Today we're supposed to reach the 80s, I think.

  9. Yeah, we got a foot of snow last week over two days. And it's still here too. Usually we warm up again and it goes away, but it's really been sticking around this year. But here in the west we'll take any moisture we can get.

    1. The lack of snow may be a problem come spring unless we get a lot of rain I imagine. We'll probably have a foot once this storm is done with us.

  10. We have had eight storms in a few months, up to my neck in mud most days!

    1. I'm actually looking forward to mud season.

  11. Our weather has been on the weird side. Record breaking heat, interpersed with hail storms and cool days. Then back to the heat.
    Your snow looks absolutely delightful from my position in the sweaty season.

    1. The snow is pretty, that's for sure. I love how everything looks right after, all frosted and sparkling.

  12. Snow + dogs = lots of fun!!

  13. I see pics like yours and am so glad I live in Florida. I don't know what my dog would do if she saw snow...

    1. My dog loves snow waaay more than I do.

  14. Florida is fickle as usual. Cold. Hot. Cold. Hot.

    1. That's where my mom lives and she says it's been chilly there lately.

  15. Florida is fickle as usual. Cold. Hot. Cold. Hot.

  16. I will never understand American measures :) but it still seems like a lot of snow. We didn't get much of it this winter, but there was more rain than usual.

    1. We probably got about 15 centimeters of snow. Does that help?

      There's rain in our forecast for next week.

  17. I think crazy weather has become the norm. We've had numerous days this winter with temperatures warm enough to open the windows, and our trees are in bud, or have already bloomed. Things are flowering that have no business flowering this time of year. BUT we've also had a little bit of snow... and more is forecast for next Monday. Probably just another short-lasted dusting, but who knows? I'll just go with the flow. If it gets cold, I'll simply stay in the house until the moment passes. :)

    1. Today, it's -7F. On Wednesday the high is supposed to be 47F. That's a 50 degree temp difference!!! I wish our cold would pass in moments!

  18. We had over a foot of snow last week. It was sort of expected, but I'm nestled in the foothills of the Rockies in an area that can either get skipped, because the snow waits to dump until it gets further from the mountains, or where it settles and just keeps coming down. We had almost three days of non-stop snow. I have to say, looking out the window at that I felt terribly content. I also had the urge to watch Krampus. ;)

    1. Last winter we had days of snow. So much snow my plow guy couldn't get in my driveway by the end. Glad you like the snow :)

  19. Pretty snow! Hope to see real snow one day!

    1. It is pretty, but it's toooo cooold!

  20. You guys have been having some tough weather for a few years now. It is certainly changing...


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