
Monday, October 11, 2010

The Great Pumpkinfest

yeah, it's a fun little town I live in. Every year a bunch of crazy people decide to see how big they can grow a pumpkin and then they put the biggest ones all along main street where local artists carve, paint, and transform these massive vegetables into art. It's pretty cool. But see for yourself...


  1. Amazing talent! Awesome pumpkins. My hub's from NH. Maine's a really super nice place.

  2. Wow! Those are some of the most amazing pumpkins I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing these pics.

  3. I absolutely love this! My staff always holds a pumpkin carving contest. Readers carve their pumpkins and then upload their photos into our online gallery. We choose three winners and they receive a $75-, $50- and $25-gift certificate (1st, 2nd and 3rd). It's tons of fun to see all of the pumpkins every year. BTW, it sounds like you really live in a neat little town. A town that has a sense of community, an identity. That's awesome. You don't get that in the burbs. (Smiles)

  4. Where's the pumpkin in the last photo? Or did you just like the door?

  5. I just liked the door, buffy:)

  6. It is a cool door.

    But those pumpkins are amazing! Wow!

    And because I'm just ornery, I wonder how big a splat they'd make if dropped off a roof -- and how big the radius of splatter would be ...

  7. interesting you should ask that question, Diane, because one of the events during this fun filled weekend is the catapult throw, with old junky cars as targets. Oh, yeah, we know how to have fun :)

  8. LOL. Nice pumpkins...and door.


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