
Monday, June 11, 2012

goodby satellite tv

As of yesterday, I am officially without. That's at least $65 less in bills every month. The only way I can watch anything is if I own it or rent it. And admittedly I did up my Netflix to 3 at a time rather than one, the difference between the two plans is a mere $8, still leaving me with  $57 credit. The plan is to save for those those emergencies I never plan for - until I can't stand it anymore and cave. I expect that to happen around the time The Walking Dead come back. But who knows, maybe I'll resist the lure and continue to rent as need.

Meanwhile, I will at least enjoy my summer without tv. Maybe I'll get more writing done :)

What are you doing this summer? Any plans? Working as usual? (that's me *sigh*) Got some time off? (lucky you!) Finished your book? Do tell...


  1. When we lived down in VA, because of where we lived that's all there was for TV & internet. However, here our cable provider is half as much! ...:)JP

    1. yeah, I looked into their bundle but it wasn't being offered in my area :(

  2. It's winter down here :-)

    So work as usual.

  3. I cut the cable cord about two years ago. The only time I miss it is when shows like Spartacus or Game of Thrones come on, but I eventually catch up with DVDs. And, besides, the money really does add up over a year.

    1. yep. In my case it will be $780 which is more than enough to buy all the wood I need to replace the bad on my porch, as an example.

  4. So much of TV is useless. Yes, that's just my opinion. I also believe that television can be a great resource when utilized wisely. I very rarely watch a show when it airs. I DVR a bunch of episodes and watch them all together like a mini-movie. It makes a great escape during those rainy or snowy days, or when my writing is stumping me.

    1. I know I'll miss it a little, but I think it's for the best it's gone - for now :)

  5. I'm not sure how quickly The Walking Dead episodes become available on Amazon after they are aired, but Doctor Who episodes appeared within a week or so. Since we don't have BBC America on our plan, we got all our Doctor Who from Amazon. Eppies are fairly cheap -- cheaper than the satellite TV bill, anyway!

    1. Yeah, that's my only worry; I really like that show.

  6. No TV? But you still have terrestrial channels? Oh wow! I am in AWE!!!!

    Well done you though and what a savings! Yay! Take care

    1. I have a tv but nothing will come in without satellite, not even the local channels, so it's netflix or nothing - besides what I own.

  7. I couldn't cut the Direct TV, but I ditched the movie channels years ago and haven't looked back. (Thank you, NetFlix!)

  8. I got rid of cable last month to save some money. We've gone without before and not missed it all thanks to Netflix. It's amazing how much time you suddenly realize you have once the cable goes!

  9. Are you able to get NetFlix through your TV on instants? We love the instants and it is only eight bucks. Tons of stuff to watch.

    And, one eight dollar payment per month, covers Internet NetFlix, Nook and gaming console (360 for us).

    1. I might be able to with some rewiring...

    2. For people who don't have a gaming console, NetFlix once had a gadget that made viewing instants possible.

      Not sure if they still have it.

  10. I keep saying I'll get rid of the movie channels, but I'm grandfathered at a good price and I know I'll pay close to that much just to get basic service if I change my plan. Wish I had the nerve to cut it all out...but I'm not there yet. Still revising on the book. No summer plans for vacation, which is a bummer, but I have hope that might change. I'm lucky to live where it's almost like vacation-land year round though, so I won't complain.

    1. I wish I was grandfathered! Two years ago it was $37 now it's $65. Too much $ for something I don't watch a lot of.

  11. Hello, my name is Marsha and I am addicted to cable.

    Help me.

    I have no big summer plans. Writing, working, and daydreaming about naps.ha Same old thing.

  12. My plans for the summer are: Work. Kids. Write. And somewhere in there I have to fit in a husband. I's too much.

    1. poor hubby, relegated to last place! Does he know?

  13. i would hardly miss cable at all---we just have it because of our bundle plan and the poor reception otherwise--happy summer of writing to you!

    1. That's my hope; lots of writing/editing/revising so I can start querying again come fall.

  14. I'm too weak! I could never go without TV...unless the apocalypse came or something! *sigh*

    1. oh believe me, I'd like to have it, but the budget doesn't like it so ...

  15. Yah. We can never afford cable. We just have netflix streaming/hulu that sort of thing. We have to get creative and find ways to watch stuff like Dexter or Boardwalk Empire. But that's ok... :)

  16. I got rid of cable too and am all about the Netflix. I really don't miss cable at all.

  17. Hooray! And good riddance! A mind is a terrible thing to waste! Especially your especially fine one!

  18. We can never afford cable. We just have netflix streaming/hulu that sort of thing.
    satellite tv


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